Christian Outreach in Action


What is it?

COA is a nondenominational, nonprofit organization that has been serving the Long Beach community for over 37 years, providing compassionate assistance to those in need.  The ministry faithfully feeds the hungry and shares the Gospel providing encouragement and guidance for those who desire to reach and sustain self-sufficiency.

You can learn more at

Tom and Carolyn Hartmann

Cornerstone Lay Leaders

Tom and Carolyn Hartmann joyously serve the local at-risk community through Christian Outreach in Action. Tom says, “We earnestly believe that the Lord called us to serve at Christian Outreach in Action (COA), and are inspired to do so when we read verses like Deuteronomy 15:11 and Matthew 5:16.”


Where is it?
COA Long Beach is located at 515 E 3rd Street in Long Beach.


How can I get involved?


Join our Cornerstone team as they share a gospel message and serve a meal to those who visit COA. You can help with food preparation, serve meals, or offer prayer to visitors. To get involved, email